Prescott Rally

Prescott, Arizona


General Information

Info for Volunteers

The Volunteer Registration Website is Now Open
Sign up here:

What happens when you volunteer at a rally?
Volunteers are critical to the success of all events. From net control to stage workers, each event needs an army of people to pull off the best event possible.

Can you describe the volunteer positions that may be available?

Road Blockage Marshal
Your task is to be on the stage road, at an intersection where a stage road meets a non-racing road. If a non-rally person drives up from the non-racing road, you let them know that the road is closed. Most of the time, you'll just be hanging out and watching the race. Being a marshal requires no prior rally experience, just an enthusiasm for rally, dedication to event safety and willingness spend the day outdoors.

What do I get to see? In general, marshals have the best spots for viewing the rally cars in action.

Start Control
You'll be at the start of a stage, counting down the racers with "5 4 3 2 1 GO!". You get an official clock, and you'll write down the time that they start both on a time card that they carry with them, and on a clipboard that you have.

What do I get to see? You'll drive the stages and see crazy launch control, gravel burnouts, and monster acceleration!

Finish Control
You'll be at the end of a stage, timing when the racers cross the finish line. The person at the actual finish line uses a radio to talk to the folks a little further down the road, who then write the times on the time card and the clipboard.

What do I get to see? You'll drive the stages and see high speed racing and glowing brake rotors!

Service Area / Start
Cars will check in and out of these locations, and when they do, the time of day that they arrive or leave is recorded on their time cards.

What do I get to see? You'll see the cars leave shiny and come back dirty for in depth car repairs, and a flood of zip ties and duct tape!

Stage Captain
Stage captains are experienced rally volunteers who organize and lead control crews at the start and finish zones of the special stages. They are familiar with the stage rally format, timing equipment, and the mechanics of control crews. They are essential to setting up control zones, communicating information regarding the status of the special stage and the times of the rally cars, as well as instructing the rally competitors and filling out their time cards.

Advance Cars
A stage becomes active and ready for competition when the course opening (Advance cars) pass. There are usually two or three opening cars, called 0, 00, and 000, driven by experienced rally competitors who have radio communication abilities. The first course car is usually car 00 or 000, which travels each stage approximately 15-20 minutes before the first rally car begins the stage. These cars check that all control teams and marshals are in place, and that the stage is clear and safe for rally traffic. They also function as an early warning that the rally cars are getting ready to run the stage. As soon as the first course car passes the stage is considered ‘hot’ and open to competition cars at rally speed. Car 0 is usually a fully prepared rally car that travels each stage at about 8/10 rally speed, and passes before the first rally car. It confirms that the stage volunteers are prepared, and that the stage is safe and ready for rally. Car 0 is closely followed by competition cars at full rally speed.

Sweep Vehicles
The rally cars are preceded on each stage by a set of cars known as course closing or sweep teams. All sweep teams carry radio equipment so they can be in constant touch with rally operations. They are typically experienced volunteers. The Course Closing (999) vehicle will start immediately after the last competing vehicle. A “Green Light” vehicle, which may be the last Sweep Vehicle, will follow the Sweep teams indicating the road is open to the public.

Stage Setup
Stage Setup helps with placing ribbon and signage on the stages prior to the event.

Communications (HAM)
Each rally has a radio network for safety and for managing event operations. Usually a HAM radio network, it is staffed by experienced and licensed radio operators. The network has an experienced operator at rally HQ to serve as ‘net control’ and to manage the flow of communication. Individual operators are stationed at the start and finish controls of each stage road, and at other critical locations such as junctions or spectator areas. They report on the progress of a rally, sending and receiving messages and timing details for rally personnel. They relay any significant information regarding the safety of special stages. No prior rally experience is needed, only familiarity with radio equipment and event operations. Our ride-along HAM operators will ride with an ARA official, to ensure they also have communication abilities.

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